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Validation of the IPQ-R in a large, representative dutch sample.

Heijmans, M., Rijken, M. Validation of the IPQ-R in a large, representative dutch sample. In: Book of abstracts of the 17th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society "European health psychology. Gender, culture and health" September 24-27, 2003, Kos, Greece. 2003. p. 14.
This paper presents a validation study of the revised version of the Illness Perception Questionnaire ( IPQ-R) in a large representative Dutch sample of 4000 chronic disease patients. All patients took part in a longitudinal study, called Panel of Patients with Chronic Diseases, which is conducted by NIVEL. The IPQ is a widely used quantitative measure of the five components of illness representation in Leventhal's self-regulatory model. Compared to the IPQ, the IPQ-R has some additional subscales making it a more comprehensive assessment of the key components of patients' perceptions of illness. We verified the factor structure of the IPQ-R in 10 different chronic illness groups and looked a the internal reliability and test-retest reliability in subsamples of patients. The results showed high reliabiblity and good predictive and discriminant validity. Besides these positive findings, we also encountere some practical problems in using the IPQ-R, especially in patient who suffered from comorbidity. And we found that some subscale were less
applicable in certain patient groups. The implication of the findings will be discussed and some practical suggestion for use of the IPQ-R in research will be given. (aut. ref.)