Senior onderzoeker Internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek (WHO)
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Which patient and doctor behaviours make a medical consultation more effective from a patient point of view. Results from a European multicentre study in 31 countries.
Mazzi, M.A., Rimondini, M., Zee, E. van, Boerma, W.G.W., Zimmermann, C., Bensing, J.M. Which patient and doctor behaviours make a medical consultation more effective from a patient point of view. Results from a European multicentre study in 31 countries. Patient Education and Counseling: 2018, 101(10), p. 1795-1803.
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In a previous qualitative study (GULiVer-I), a series of lay-people derived recommendations (‘tips’) was listed for doctor and patient on ‘How to make medical consultation more effective from the patient’s perspective’. This work (GULiVer-II) aims to find evidence whether these tips can be generally applied, by using a quantitative approach, which is grounded in the previous qualitative study.
The study design is based on a sequential mixed method approach. 798 patients, representing United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands, were invited to assess on four point Likert scales the importance of the GULiVer-I tips listed in the ‘Patient Consultation Values questionnaire’.
All tips for the doctor and the patient were considered as (very) important by the majority of the participants. Doctors’ and patients’ contributions to communicate honestly, treatment and time management were considered as equally important (65, 71 and 58% respectively); whereas the contribution of doctors to the course and content of the consultation was seen as more important than that of patients.
The relevance of GULiVer-I tips is confirmed, but tips for doctors were assessed as more important than those for patients. Practice implications: Doctors and patients should pay attention to these ‘‘tips’’ in order to have an effective medical consultation. (aut. ref.)
In a previous qualitative study (GULiVer-I), a series of lay-people derived recommendations (‘tips’) was listed for doctor and patient on ‘How to make medical consultation more effective from the patient’s perspective’. This work (GULiVer-II) aims to find evidence whether these tips can be generally applied, by using a quantitative approach, which is grounded in the previous qualitative study.
The study design is based on a sequential mixed method approach. 798 patients, representing United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands, were invited to assess on four point Likert scales the importance of the GULiVer-I tips listed in the ‘Patient Consultation Values questionnaire’.
All tips for the doctor and the patient were considered as (very) important by the majority of the participants. Doctors’ and patients’ contributions to communicate honestly, treatment and time management were considered as equally important (65, 71 and 58% respectively); whereas the contribution of doctors to the course and content of the consultation was seen as more important than that of patients.
The relevance of GULiVer-I tips is confirmed, but tips for doctors were assessed as more important than those for patients. Practice implications: Doctors and patients should pay attention to these ‘‘tips’’ in order to have an effective medical consultation. (aut. ref.)
In a previous qualitative study (GULiVer-I), a series of lay-people derived recommendations (‘tips’) was listed for doctor and patient on ‘How to make medical consultation more effective from the patient’s perspective’. This work (GULiVer-II) aims to find evidence whether these tips can be generally applied, by using a quantitative approach, which is grounded in the previous qualitative study.
The study design is based on a sequential mixed method approach. 798 patients, representing United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands, were invited to assess on four point Likert scales the importance of the GULiVer-I tips listed in the ‘Patient Consultation Values questionnaire’.
All tips for the doctor and the patient were considered as (very) important by the majority of the participants. Doctors’ and patients’ contributions to communicate honestly, treatment and time management were considered as equally important (65, 71 and 58% respectively); whereas the contribution of doctors to the course and content of the consultation was seen as more important than that of patients.
The relevance of GULiVer-I tips is confirmed, but tips for doctors were assessed as more important than those for patients. Practice implications: Doctors and patients should pay attention to these ‘‘tips’’ in order to have an effective medical consultation. (aut. ref.)
In a previous qualitative study (GULiVer-I), a series of lay-people derived recommendations (‘tips’) was listed for doctor and patient on ‘How to make medical consultation more effective from the patient’s perspective’. This work (GULiVer-II) aims to find evidence whether these tips can be generally applied, by using a quantitative approach, which is grounded in the previous qualitative study.
The study design is based on a sequential mixed method approach. 798 patients, representing United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands, were invited to assess on four point Likert scales the importance of the GULiVer-I tips listed in the ‘Patient Consultation Values questionnaire’.
All tips for the doctor and the patient were considered as (very) important by the majority of the participants. Doctors’ and patients’ contributions to communicate honestly, treatment and time management were considered as equally important (65, 71 and 58% respectively); whereas the contribution of doctors to the course and content of the consultation was seen as more important than that of patients.
The relevance of GULiVer-I tips is confirmed, but tips for doctors were assessed as more important than those for patients. Practice implications: Doctors and patients should pay attention to these ‘‘tips’’ in order to have an effective medical consultation. (aut. ref.)