Senior onderzoeker Infectieziekten in de Eerste Lijn, surveillance
I-MOVE Influenza: Monitoring vaccine effectiveness in Europe, 2019-2020
Duration: Nov 2019 - jun 2020
I-MOVE stands for voor 'Influenza – Monitoring Vaccine Effectiveness in Europe'. Since 2007, the international I-MOVE network measures influenza vaccine effectiveness during the influenza season. It makes its data available to health authorities as soon as possible after the start of the seasonal epidemic or pandemic.
Obtaining information over effectiveness of influenza vaccines during the influenza season is crucial to deploy an appropriate response, and in particular, to:
- decide on recommendations to be communicated for vaccine use
- target complementary or alternative measures (e.g. antivirals) for population subgroups in which the vaccine is less effective
- accurately estimate the impact of current vaccination strategies on the disease so as to support vaccination campaigns
- initiate further research on seasonal and pandemic vaccines (to improve composition, decide on the use of adjuvants or the need for booster doses),
- anticipate when the vaccine will be out of stock (especially during a pandemic)
In the Netherlands, data are collected as part of the national influenza surveillance system by sentinel general practitioners participating in Nivel Primary Care Database, in collaboratioin with RIVM.
International project website
Dit project wordt gesubsidieerd door
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
The I-MOVE Network consists of 29 partners from 15 European Union member states (or European Economic Area Member States), of which EpiConcept (Paris, France) is leading partner