Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Introducing personalised self-management to support physical activity in elderly: a case study.
Klooster, J.W. van 't, Bruinessen, I. van, Boessen, A., Heide, L. van der, Vollenbroek-Hutten, M., Dulmen, S. van. Introducing personalised self-management to support physical activity in elderly: a case study.: , 2017. 27-33 p. Abstract. In: Abstractbook IADIS E-Health 2017, 20-22 July 2017, Lisbon.
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Our population is aging, leading to great challenges in healthcare. A transformation to a pro-active system, support through technology, and self-management are regularly mentioned as potential solutions. In this context, the self-management program LIFE (“living independently functioning elderly”) was started to promote physical activity in seniors.
A technology-supported personalized self-management program was developed.
The aim of the program is to contribute to a physically active life style.
LIFE offers various modules to elderly who are at risk of functional decline. These modules contain personalized advice, recommendations and suggestions how seniors can develop or maintain a healthy behaviour and prevent functional deterioration. To restrict functional decline, activities of the program are tailored to the needs of the user. The activities are delivered preventive instead of after the functional decline has been progressed to the extent that elderly have to be institutionalised.
A main aspect of the concept of the program is that elderly can choose between the various provided services, making their own decisions. LIFE offers this in an easily implementable self-management program. In this paper, the program is presented, the care pathway of operationalizing the program is described, and evaluation results are discussed. As such, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of introducing an ict-mediated self-management program in elderly care. (aut. ref.)
A technology-supported personalized self-management program was developed.
The aim of the program is to contribute to a physically active life style.
LIFE offers various modules to elderly who are at risk of functional decline. These modules contain personalized advice, recommendations and suggestions how seniors can develop or maintain a healthy behaviour and prevent functional deterioration. To restrict functional decline, activities of the program are tailored to the needs of the user. The activities are delivered preventive instead of after the functional decline has been progressed to the extent that elderly have to be institutionalised.
A main aspect of the concept of the program is that elderly can choose between the various provided services, making their own decisions. LIFE offers this in an easily implementable self-management program. In this paper, the program is presented, the care pathway of operationalizing the program is described, and evaluation results are discussed. As such, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of introducing an ict-mediated self-management program in elderly care. (aut. ref.)
Our population is aging, leading to great challenges in healthcare. A transformation to a pro-active system, support through technology, and self-management are regularly mentioned as potential solutions. In this context, the self-management program LIFE (“living independently functioning elderly”) was started to promote physical activity in seniors.
A technology-supported personalized self-management program was developed.
The aim of the program is to contribute to a physically active life style.
LIFE offers various modules to elderly who are at risk of functional decline. These modules contain personalized advice, recommendations and suggestions how seniors can develop or maintain a healthy behaviour and prevent functional deterioration. To restrict functional decline, activities of the program are tailored to the needs of the user. The activities are delivered preventive instead of after the functional decline has been progressed to the extent that elderly have to be institutionalised.
A main aspect of the concept of the program is that elderly can choose between the various provided services, making their own decisions. LIFE offers this in an easily implementable self-management program. In this paper, the program is presented, the care pathway of operationalizing the program is described, and evaluation results are discussed. As such, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of introducing an ict-mediated self-management program in elderly care. (aut. ref.)
A technology-supported personalized self-management program was developed.
The aim of the program is to contribute to a physically active life style.
LIFE offers various modules to elderly who are at risk of functional decline. These modules contain personalized advice, recommendations and suggestions how seniors can develop or maintain a healthy behaviour and prevent functional deterioration. To restrict functional decline, activities of the program are tailored to the needs of the user. The activities are delivered preventive instead of after the functional decline has been progressed to the extent that elderly have to be institutionalised.
A main aspect of the concept of the program is that elderly can choose between the various provided services, making their own decisions. LIFE offers this in an easily implementable self-management program. In this paper, the program is presented, the care pathway of operationalizing the program is described, and evaluation results are discussed. As such, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of introducing an ict-mediated self-management program in elderly care. (aut. ref.)