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Figures from the national Dementia Care and Support Register for 2017. Factsheet 1 - Background characteristics of people with dementia.
Döpp, C., Heide, I. van der, Heins, M., Joling, K., Verheij, R., Francke, A. Figures from the national Dementia Care and Support Register for 2017. Factsheet 1 - Background characteristics of people with dementia. Utrecht: Nivel, 2020. 26 p.
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The average age of the population of the Netherlands will continue to rise over the coming years. Hand in hand with that ageing, the number of people with dementia will increase dramatically. One of the preconditions for being able to keep providing good care to people with dementia and those close to them is getting a clear picture of the care and support needed. What care and support do these people use? And where do they get it? Basic information like this is a prerequisite for being able to learn and improve.