Hoofd onderzoeksafdeling Organisatie en Sturing in de Zorg; programmaleider Zorgstelsel en Sturing; bijzonder hoogleraar Zorgstelsel en Sturing CAPHRI, Universiteit Maastricht
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Infographic. eHealth at different speeds: eHealth-monitor.
Wouters, M., Swinkels, I., Lettow, B. van, Jong, J. de, Sinnige, J., Brabers, A., Friele, R., Gennip, L. van. Infographic. eHealth at different speeds: eHealth-monitor. Den Haag/Utrecht: Nictiz, Nivel, 2018.
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In healthcare, digital applications are used to varying degrees. The complexity of the care process, the interaction between the healthcare user and the healthcare provider and the sense of urgency all affect the use of digital applications. Vision, trust and strong digital skills can influence the increase in the use of eHealth.
In healthcare, digital applications are used to varying degrees. The complexity of the care process, the interaction between the healthcare user and the healthcare provider and the sense of urgency all affect the use of digital applications. Vision, trust and strong digital skills can influence the increase in the use of eHealth.