January 2022

Monitoring the National Flu Prevention Program and the National Program Pneumococcal Vaccinations for Adults: vaccination coverages, 2022-ongoing

Duration: 2022 - continuously


In the Netherlands, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports commissions the implementation of national vaccination programs, for the benefit of public health. This is done on the advice of the Health Council of the Netherlands (in Dutch: de Gezondheidsraad), an independent scientific advisory council in the broad field of public health and healthcare. To monitor the implementation of vaccination programs and to determine the vaccination coverage per year, Nivel, commissioned by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), conducts two monitors: the monitor National Program Flu Prevention (NPG) and the monitor National Program Pneumococcal Vaccination Adults (NPPV). Having insight into the vaccination coverage of both vaccination programs is essential for monitoring and evaluating the vaccination campaigns.

Since 1997: National Flu Prevention Program (NPG)

The National Flu Prevention Program ((in Dutch: Nationaal Programma Grieppreventie (NPG)) has been running in the Netherlands since 1997. RIVM's Center for Population Research, commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, is the national director of this program. Every year, people at high risk of complications from an influenza (flu) infection are invited for vaccination. With the annual Vaccination Rate Monitor, the Nivel, commissioned by the RIVM, closely monitors how many people in which target groups receive the flu vaccination and thus what the vaccination rate is. In mid-2024, the Nivel will report the vaccination coverage of the October-November 2023 campaign.

Since 2020: National Program Pneumococcal Vaccinations for Adults

In 2020, the National Program on Pneumococcal Vaccination for Adults (in Dutch: Nationaal Programma Pneumokokkenvaccinaties voor Volwassenen (NPPV))started. Annually, people from certain birth years are invited for pneumococcal vaccination, with everyone between the ages of 60 and 79 invited for revaccination once every five years. As with the NPG, vaccination coverage is monitored with an annual monitor by the Nivel on behalf of the RIVM.


To monitor the implementation of the influenza (NGP) and pneumococcal (NPPV) vaccination programs by determining the vaccination coverage of both programs. The ultimate goal is to identify potential threats to Dutch public health.


Data derived from the Nivel Primary Care Database are used to monitor influenza vaccination coverage (NPG) and pneumococcal vaccination coverage (NPPV). Using pseudonymized, non-reducible data from the electronic patient records of participating general practices, the target groups for influenza vaccination and for pneumococcal vaccination were mapped and the numbers of persons vaccinated.


Each year, the results are described in a report and made public on the Nivel website. Hereby all the published English reports on the yearly vaccination coverage of flu and pneumococcal infection. 

Since 1997: National Flu Prevention Program - monitoring the vaccine coverage (English reports)
Since 2020: National Program Pneumococcal Vaccinations for Adults - monitoring the vaccine coverage (English reports)


Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) / National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)