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Prof. Liset van Dijk, PhD
Coordinator research program Care Demand of the Chronically Ill and Disabled; honorary professor 'Pharmacy health services research', University of Groningen, the Netherlands


I am research coordinator of the Pharmaceutical care research programme. I am also the advisor of a group researchers who conduct international research in various fields. I develop new projects, write research proposals, guide researchers and do research myself. With my work I contribute to the knowledge about the prescription, dispensing and use of medicines. I also work as a honarary professor of Pharmacy Health Services Research at the University of Groningen. Among other things, I contribute to education for Pharmacy students.



2018 - present: Honorary professor Pharmacy Health Services Research, University of Groningen, Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
2005 - present: Research coordinator Pharmaceutical Care, Nivel
1999 - 2005: (Senior) researcher, Nivel
1997 - 1999: Assistant professor Social Science Research Methods, Wageningen University, Department of Sociology
1996 - 1999: Post-doc researcher, Utrecht University, Department of Sociology
1995: Visiting research fellow Department of Sociology University of Arizona & Survey Research Center University of Michigan, NWO Talent Stipend (now Rubicon)

1990 - 1994: PhD, Utrecht University, Sociology
1987 - 1990: MSc, Wageningen Univerity Home Economics & Consumer Sciences, Master theses in Health Sciences in Social Science Research Methods
1983 - 1987: BSc, Diedenoort, Wageningen, discipline: Households & Communication (with honors)
1977 - 1983: Secondary school (Atheneum), Dongemond College, Raamsdonksveer

Memberships/external committees

Research coordinator Pharmaceutical care, Nivel, Utrecht
Board member International Society for Medication adherence
Board Member Centrum voor Patiënt en Geneesmiddel
Member advisory board Masterclass "New Care"
Member Scientific advisory board KNMP
Advisory board Pharmi
Associate editor Antibiotics
Advisory board Portal Medication Safety
Instructor postgraduate education Community Pharmacy